Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to increase subscribers on YouTube channel. If you have a YouTube channel then subscription is very important for you. If you do not have subscribers then you will not get any benefit. Without Subscribers, your video will not get views. Let me explain to you by giving an example. Suppose you have a shop, if there are no customers in that shop then who will buy the goods. Therefore, it is very important to be a subscriber on YouTube.
If we estimate, there are many such channels in the world which increase subscribers on YouTube in a short time. His channel gets approved in a way. Like him, I will tell you today how you can increase subscriptions on YouTube. If seen this way, there are many ways to increase subscribers on YouTube, if you follow them then you can become a good YouTuber. Later you will also be paid a good amount of money through YouTube.
How To Increase Subscribers On YouTube In Hindi
- To increase subscribers on YouTube, correct the settings of YouTube if there is any mistake in it.
- Link your YouTube account with your mobile number.
- If you don’t have friends every day, keep uploading a video for a few days.
- Don’t forget to use YouTube Thumbnail. Place your thumbnail in such a way that people click on it as soon as they see your thumbnail.
- The title of your video should be such that people can understand it properly.
- The keyword of YouTube should be written correctly.
- It should be written about that video in the description of YouTube.
- You should share your video as much as possible.
- If you follow all these steps, you will know within a week that your subscribers have started coming. If you want to increase subscribers for free then you can read more below.
Step – 1 How To Increase Subscribers On Youtube Channel For Free
If you want to increase YouTube Subscribers, then first of all you have to go to subpals.com and sign up. After signing up, a page will open in front of you, in which you will have to log in.
1. First box में आप अपनी YouTube चैनल id टाइप कीजिये।
2. दूसरे बॉक्स में पासवर्ड टाइप कीजिये.
3. उसके बाद अब आप Log in पर क्लिक कीजिये.
अब आप उस वेबसाइट पर Login हो जाओगे यहाँ आपको अबतो फीचर मिलेंगे एक तो Free Subscribers और दूसरा Paid Subscribers यानि यहाँ पर आपको पैसे देने होंगे पर यहाँ हम सिर्फ Subscribers बढ़ाएंगे
तो शुरू करते है –
1. बेसिक प्लान पर क्लिक करके 24 घंटे मेंआपके Subscribers आना शुरू करते है
2. स्टार्टरपर क्लिक करके आप हेर रोज20 से 30 Subscribers बढ़ा सकते है
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Step – 2 How To Increase Subscribers On YouTube Channel
1. Like & Subscribers पर क्लिक कीजिये अब आपके सामने एक पेज खुलेगा यहाँ पर आपको वीडियो को लाइक और चैनल को Subscribers करना है.
इसमें एक खाश बात है आप जिस चैनल को Subscribe करेंगे आपका चैनल आटोमेटिक ही सब्सक्राइब हो जायेगा इसके लिए आप कम से कम 12 घंटे इंतज़ार करना होगा.
2. Confirm पर क्लिक कीजिये.
3. स्किप अगर आपको किसी चैनल का सब्सक्राइब नहीं चाहिए तो आप उस चैनल को हटा सकते है.
इस तरह से आप इन स्टेप को फॉलो करके बहुत सारे Subscribers बढ़ा सकते है
At Last –
उम्मीद है आपको मेरा ये (How To Increase Subscribers On YouTube Channel) लेख पसंद आया है अगर आपको यूट्यूब के सब्सक्राइब बढ़ाने में कोई प्रॉब्लम हो तो आप मुझे कमेंट करके बता सकते है. हमारी टीम आपको 24 घंटे में जवाब देगी.
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